
Legal Documents
Title Type
Notification No.17/2015 (Regulations of Salt and Salt Products of Mon State) Regulation
Salt and Salt Products Law (Rakaing State Parliament Law No.1/2014) Law
Regulations of Salt and Salt Products of Rakaing State Regulation
Salt and Salt Products Law (Shan State Parliament Law No.4/2016) Law
Environmental Conservation Rules (Notification No.50/2014) Regulation
Notification No. 38/2019 (Notification of Levying advanced income tax for export and import transactions) Notification
Notification No.22/2019 (Amending the Import Negative List) Notification
Notification no.23/2019 (Notification for registering as a wholesale or retail business by companies that are conducting the importation (Trading) of the fertilizer, seeds, pesticides, hospital equipments, construction materials & equipment and machinery for agriculture) Notification
Notification issued by Myanmar Customs Department to prescribe some articles/ goods as the Passenger’ Baggage in actual use Notification
Notification No. 24/2019 (Permitting Foreign Companies and JV companies to export (7)categories of local products ) Notification
Notification (Letter No.30-A-71 dated on 6th May 2019) (Announcing the International Terminal and wharves for the landing and shipping of goods, or of particular classes of goods) Notification
Notification No.64/2019 (Procedures of levying tax during the transaction period due to the change in the Government’s fiscal year) Notification
Notification No.80/2019 (Permitting the exportation the wood logs of Teak/Timber logs, Teak/Hardwood poles and Timber poles owned and produced by the State and Private forestry) Notification
Notification No.26/20109 (Regulations for the Importation of the Commercial Vehicles to be Sold at the Car Sales Centre in Myanmar) Notification
Notification No.28/20109 (Regulations for Heavy Machinery for Show Room) Notification
Title Type
မုန်တိုင်းမိုးနဲ့အမီ မုံရွာတစ်ဝိုက် ငုံနီစိုက်ပြီ News
ပရဆေးကုန်ကြမ်း တန်တစ်ထောင်ကျော်တင်ပို့ News
တရုတ်ဆိုင်ကယ်များကို မူဆယ်နယ်စပ်မှတစ်ဆင့် တရားဝင်သတ်မှတ်ထားသည့် ဈေးနှုန်းများအတိုင်းတင်သွင်းခွင့်ပြုပြီ News
ကော့သောင်း ကုန်သွယ်ရေးစခန်းမှ ရေထွက်ကုန်ပိုမိုတင်ပို့ News
မောတောင် ကုန်သွယ်ရေးစခန်းမှ အနီးစပ်ဆုံး ကာလထက်ရောယမန်နှစ် ကာလတူထက်ပါ ကုန်သွယ်မှုပိုမို News
တရုတ်၊ အိန္ဒိယနဲ့ထိုင်းမှ ဘိလပ်မြေတန်ချိန်သုံးသောင်းကျော်ဝင် News
ကသာခရိုင်အတွင်းဆီစားနေကြာ စတင်ရိတ်သိမ်းချိန် ဈေးကောင်းရ News
မောင်တောကုန်သွယ်ရေးစခန်းမှ ဝါးနဲ့ ကြိမ်တင်ပို့ News
တောင်ကိုရီးယားနိုင်ငံသို့ စိန်တစ်လုံးသရက်သီးတင်ပို့တော့မည် News
ချင်းရွှေဟော်နဲ့ လွယ်ဂျယ်နယ်စပ် ကုန်သွယ်ရေးစခန်းများမှ ကြံတင်ပို့ News
မြန်မာ့သရက်သီးများကို တိုးမြှင့်တင်ပို့ခြင်းဖြင့် ပို့ကုန်တိုးမြှင့်ရေးကို အထောက်အကူပြုမည် News
မြန်မာ့သရက်သီးများကို တိုးမြှင့်တင်ပို့ခြင်းဖြင့် ပို့ကုန်တိုးမြှင့်ရေးကို အထောက်အကူပြုမည် News
စခန်းစုံမှ ဖရဲသီးတန်ချိန်တစ်သိန်းခြောက်သောင်းကျော်တင်ပို့ News
တရုတ်နိုင်ငံသို့ တစ်သျှူးငှက်ပျောတင်ပို့ News
မူဆယ်(၁၀၅)မိုင် ကုန်သွယ်ရေးဇုန်မှသကြားဖြူတန်ချိန် လေးသောင်းကျော်တင်ပို့ News
Title Type
Export Chagres Levied on Animal, Animal Product or Animal Feed for Services Provided (Cattle and Buffalo) This measure (Chapter 5, Article 9, a ) provides for the requirement to pay the charges for the services on the products. The applicant for the recommendation certificate shall pay the prescribed fees. The objective is to prevent outbreak of contagious disease in animals and to control the outbreak systematically when it occurs.
Testing on Animals, Animal Products and Animal Feed (Animal Fur) This measure (Chapter 1, Article 7 and Chapter 2, Article 16) provides for the testing requirement on the imported animals, animal products and animal feed. A person who wants to import the animals, animal products and animal feed shall allow the responsible agency for testing on the animals, animal products and animal feed. The objective is to prevent outbreak of contagious disease in animals and to control the outbreak systematically when it occurs.
Additional Charges on Animals, Animal Products and Animal Feed (Cattle and Buffalo) This measure (Chapter 6, Article 13, a) provides for the additional charges requirement. A person importing animal, animal products or animal feed shall pay the prescribed fees. The objective is to prevent outbreak of contagious disease in animals and to control the outbreak systematically when it occurs.
Export Certification Requirement for Animal, Animal Product and Animal Feed (Animal Fur) This measure (Chapter 1, Article 1 and Chapter 2, Article 3) provides for the export certificate requirement by the exporting country. A person who wants to get the Health Certificate or SPS certificate for animal, animal product and animal feed exporting, shall apply to the Department of Livestock Breeding according to the prescribed manner. The objective is to prevent outbreak of contagious disease in animals and to control the outbreak systematically when it occurs.
Authorization Requirement for Animal, Animal Product or Animal Feed Exporting (Live Poultry) This measure (Article 10) provides for a requirement to obtain a permit by the government agency of the exporting country to export products. A person exporting animal, animal product or animal feed, may on desiring recommendation certificate, apply to the Department in the prescribed manner. The objective is to prevent outbreak of contagious disease in animals and to control the outbreak systematically when it occurs.
Requirement to Pass Through Specified Port of Customs for Exporting Animals, Animal Products and Animal Feed (Animal Fur) This measure (Chapter 1, Article 2 (a) and Chapter 2, Article 4 (c)) provides for the requirement to pass through the specified port of customs for testing and inspection. A person who exports the animal, animal product and animal feed shall detain the animal, animal product and animal feed at the specified port for a given period to be inspected according to the requirement of the exporting country. The objective is to prevent outbreak of contagious disease in animals and to control the outbreak systematically when it occurs.
Authorization Requirement for Animals, Animal Products and Animal Feed Importing (Cattle and Buffalo) This measure (Article 5, 10) provides for the authorization requirement for the product importing. A person who wants to import the animals, animal products and animal feed shall apply the recommendation at the Department with the prescribed procedures before applying the import license or permit. The objective is to prevent outbreak of contagious disease in animals and to control the outbreak systematically when it occurs.
Inspection Requirement on Animals, Animal Products and Animal Feed (Live Poultry) This measure (Article 5, b) provides for the inspection requirement on the products by the importing country before importing. A person importing animal, animal product or animal feed shall submit to inspection by the Department. The objective is to prevent outbreak of contagious disease in animals and to control the outbreak systematically when it occurs.
Authorization Requirement for Animal, Animal Product or Animal Feed Exporting (Cattle and Buffalo) This measure (Article 10) provides for a requirement to obtain a permit by the government agency of the exporting country to export products. A person exporting animal, animal product or animal feed, may on desiring recommendation certificate, apply to the Department in the prescribed manner. The objective is to prevent outbreak of contagious disease in animals and to control the outbreak systematically when it occurs.
Authorization Requirement for Importing of Animals, Animal Products and Animal Feed (Live Poultry) This measure (Chapter 1, Article 3 (a), Article 9 (b) and Chapter 2, Article 11, Article 18 (b)) provides for the authorization requirement for the importing products. A person who wants to import the animals, animal products and animal feed shall get the recommendation from the Department of Livestock Breeding before applying the permit or license at the relevant agency or organization and importing the products. The objective is to prevent outbreak of contagious disease in animals and to control the outbreak systematically when it occurs.
Inspection Requirement on Animals, Animal Products and Animal Feed (Cattle and Buffalo) This measure (Article 5, b) provides for the inspection requirement on the products by the importing country before importing. A person importing animal, animal product or animal feed shall submit to inspection by the Department. The objective is to prevent outbreak of contagious disease in animals and to control the outbreak systematically when it occurs.
Certification Requirement for Animals, Animal Products and Animal Feed (Live Poultry) This measure (Chapter 1, Article 3 (b), Chapter 2, Article 12 (b)) provides for the certification requirement for the importing products by the importing country. A person who wants to import the animals, animal products and animal feed shall submit the Animal Health Certificate or Certificate issued by the competent agency of the exporting country in applying the import recommendation at the Department of Livestock Breeding. The objective is to prevent outbreak of contagious disease in animals and to control the outbreak systematically when it occurs.
Authorization Requirement for Importing of Animals, Animal Products and Animal Feed (Cattle and Buffalo) This measure (Chapter 1, Article 3 (a), Article 9 (b) and Chapter 2, Article 11, Article 18 (b)) provides for the authorization requirement for the importing products. A person who wants to import the animals, animal products and animal feed shall get the recommendation from the Department of Livestock Breeding before applying the permit or license at the relevant agency or organization and importing the products. The objective is to prevent outbreak of contagious disease in animals and to control the outbreak systematically when it occurs.
Requirement to Pass Through Specified Port of Customs Importing the Animals, Animal Products and Animal Feed (Live Poultry) This measure (Chapter 1, Article 4 (a) and Chapter 2, Article 13 (a)) provides for the obligation for imports to pass through a designated entry point and/or customs office for inspection. A person who wants to import the animals, animal products and animal feed must pass and import through designated airport, port or inspection post by the Department. The objective is to prevent outbreak of contagious disease in animals and to control the outbreak systematically when it occurs.
Certification Requirement for Animals, Animal Products and Animal Feed (Cattle and Buffalo) This measure (Chapter 1, Article 3 (b), Chapter 2, Article 12 (b)) provides for the certification requirement for the importing products by the importing country. A person who wants to import the animals, animal products and animal feed shall submit the Animal Health Certificate or Certificate issued by the competent agency of the exporting country in applying the import recommendation at the Department of Livestock Breeding. The objective is to prevent outbreak of contagious disease in animals and to control the outbreak systematically when it occurs.