Guide to Import - Prohibited imports

Prohibited imports

Myanmar prohibits the importation of certain goods. For information about prohibited imports, click here.

  1. WTO’s GATT, Article XX and XXI, permit WTO members to prohibit the importation of certain articles that endanger public morals, threaten human, plant or animal life, involve the importation of gold and silver, arms and ammunition, and similar items. 
  2. The Directorate of Trade of the Ministry of Commerce has exercised its rights under these GATT provisions to prohibit the following importations:
    1. Counterfeit currency and coins
    2. Pornographic material
    3. All kinds of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances
    4. Playing cards
    5. Goods bearing the emblem of Buddha and pagodas of Myanmar
    6. Arms and ammunition
    7. Antiques and archeologically valuable items
    8. Wildlife endangered species
    9. Other prohibited commodities in accord with existing law

Customs inspection of imports

Myanmar Customs examines imports to assure that they have been properly declared. For information about customs inspections, click here.

Customs reviews all import documents and physically inspects imports based upon its assessment of risk. Imports are divided into three categories: green, yellow and red. Green denotes the least risk, yellow and intermediate risk, and red denotes high risk.Overall, about 10% of imports are physically inspected and additional imports are subject to x-ray scan.

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