
Legal Documents
Title Type
Union Taxation Law 2016 Law
Union Taxation Law 2018 Law
The Law Rejecting the Act for Purchase of Crops 2013 Law
Development of SMEs Law 2015 Law
Foreign Investment Law 2012 Law
Myanmar National Investment Law 2013 Law
Amending the Commercial Tax Law 2011 Law
The Law Amending the Income Tax 2011 Law
The Law Amending the Income Tax 2014 Law
Notification No. 9/99(Import Prohibition in the Border Trade) Notification
Notification No. 93/2015(Myanmar Export-Import Procedures 2015) Notification
The Export and Import Law 2012 Law
The Fertilizer Law 2002 Law
The Law Amending the Petroleum Act 2010 Law
The Oilfield (Regulation and Development) Act 1949 Law
Title Type
ဆန်နဲ့ဆန်ကွဲပိုမိုတင်ပို့ News
ကသာခရိုင်ဆောင်းမြေပဲအထွက်နှုန်းကောင်းပြီး ဈေးကောင်းရ News
ပြည်စားတော်ပဲဈေးတရိပ်ရိပ် တက်လျက်ရှိ News
မန်ကျည်း တန်ချိန် ၇၀ဝ ကျော် တင်ပို့ News
ကော့သောင်းကုန်သွယ်ရေးစခန်းမှ ယမန်နှစ်ကာလတူထက် ကုန်သွယ်မှုပမာဏပိုမိုဆောင်ရွက် News
မြဝတီကုန်သွယ်ရေးဇုန်၊ကော့သောင်းနဲ့ မြိတ်ကုန်သွယ်ရေးစခန်းများမှ ရေထွက်ကုန် တန်ခြောက်ထောင်ကျော် တင်ပို့ News
မူဆယ်၊ မြဝတီ၊ တာချီလိတ်မှ ကြက်သွန်နီ တင်ပို့ News
ဗီယက်နမ်အထည်ချုပ်လုပ်ငန်းများက ၂၀၂၀ ပြည့်နှစ်ကျော်လွန်ပြီး ဖွံ့ဖြိုးရေး ရည်မှန်းချက်ချမှတ်ဖို့ ဆန္ဒရှိ News
မွန်ပြည်နယ်တွင် ရော်ဘာသစ်မှ အိမ်သုံးပရိဘောဂထုတ်စက်ရုံဖွင့်လှစ် News
မူဆယ်(၁၀၅)မိုင် ကုန်သွယ်ရေးဇုန်မှ သကြားဖြူတန်ချိန် လေးသောင်းကျော်တင်ပို့ News
တရုတ်နိုင်ငံသို့ တစ်သျှူးငှက်ပျောတင်ပို့ News
ပြည်မန်ကျည်းမှည့် ဈေးငြိမ်ပြီး အရောင်းအဝယ်ပုံမှန်ဖြစ် News
စမုံနက်နှမ်း ပြည်ပအဝယ်လိုက်၍ ဈေးမြင့် News
ရိဒ်ကုန်သွယ်ရေးစခန်းမှ ကုန်သွယ်မှုပိုမို News
၂၀၁၆ခုနှစ်၊မေလ(၁၆)ရက်နေ့ထုတ် အတွဲ(၁၆)၊အမှတ်(၁၇)၊ စီးပွားရေးသတင်းဂျာနယ် Article
Title Type
Authorization Requirement on the Live Fish Exporting This measure (Chapter 8, Article 29 (c) and Chapter 10, Article 35) provides for the authorization requirement on the export of the product. A person who wants to export the live fish shall get the permission from the Department of Fisheries. The objective is to protect the health and life of fish.
Authorization to Export the Biodiversity Species This measure (Chapter 5, Article 23, a and b) provides the authorization requirement to export the product. The Director General may, with the approval of the Ministry, issue a permit or the export of wild animals or wild plants permitted for breeding or for cultivating commercially or any parts, derivatives or products thereof and the Director General may, with the approval of the Ministry, endorse for import, export or re-export of animals or plants regulated for international trade or any parts, derivatives or products thereof. Therefore, a person who wants to export those products shall apply the export recommendation to the Forest Department. The objective is to control the trading of wild animals, wild plants, derivatives or plants.
Authorization Requirement for Importing Biodiversity Species This measure (Chapter 5, Article 23, b) provides the authorization requirement to import the product. The Director General may, with the approval of the Ministry, endorse for import, export or re-export of animals or plants regulated for international trade or any parts, derivatives or products thereof. Therefore, a person who wants to import those products shall apply the export recommendation to the Forest Department. The objective is to control the trading of wild animals, wild plants, derivatives or plants.
Additional Charges for Biodiversity Species Importing This measure (Chapter 5, Article 23, c) provides for the requirement to pay the charges levied in connection to services provided by the government. A person who wants to get the recommendation shall pay the charges and fee on the examination, permit fee or additional fees as the prescribed by the Forest Department. The objective is to control the trading of wild animals, wild plants, derivatives or plants.
Export Charges on Biodiversity Species This measure (Chapter 5, Article 23, c) provides for the requirement to pay the charges levied in connection to services provided by the government. A person who wants to get the recommendation shall pay the charges and fee on the examination, permit fee or additional fees as the prescribed by the Forest Department. The objective is to control the trading of wild animals, wild plants, derivatives or plants.
Authorization Requirement for Importing Raw Fish This measure (Directive No. 9/2014) provides for the authorization requirement for importing raw fish. The companies which want to import the raw fish shall apply the recommendation at the Department of Fisheries together with the required supporting documents. The objective is to facilitate the trade.
Certification Requirement for Importing Raw Fish This measure (Directive No. 9/2014) provides for the certification requirement for the import of raw fish. The companies which want of import the raw fish shall apply the import recommendation at the Department of Fisheries together with the Company Registration, Exporter/ Importer certificate, copies of Sanitary Certificate and Health Certificate, Proforma Invoice. The objective is facilitation of trade.
Origin of Importing Raw Fish This measure (Directive No. 9/20014) provides for the requirement on the information of the origin of material. The companies which want of import the raw fish shall apply the import recommendation at the Department of Fisheries together with the Certificate of Origin of the importing raw fish. The objective is facilitation of trade.
Testing Requirement for Importing Raw Fish This measure (Directive No. 9/2014) provides for the requirement for product to be tested against a given regulation. The companies which want of import the raw fish shall apply the import recommendation at the Department of Fisheries shall send the sample of the importing raw fish for the laboratory testing before importing in advance. The objective is facilitation of trade.
Certification Requirement for the Exporting Fishery Products This measure (Directive No. 3/2016) provides for the certification requirement by the exporting country before exporting. The fishery products which are exporting through border trade and normal trade system shall be tested in physical and micro and shall be export only after getting the certificate of fit for human consumption and health certificate. The objective is for the safety of human consumption.
Prohibition the Importing Pesticides This measure (Notification No. 1/2013) provides for the prohibition the import of pesticides. The listed pesticide in the Notification No. 1/2013 is banned to use in the territory of Myanmar because they are very high in hazardous to the human and environment. Those pesticides are not allowed to import, formulate, produce, sell and use by any government agencies, private agencies for any reasons. The objective is to prevent the human life and environment.
Authorization Requirement to Export Animal, Animal Product or Animal Feed( Animal Feed ) This measure (Chapter 5, Article 7) provides for a requirement to obtain a permit by the government agency of the exporting country to export products. A person exporting animal, animal product or animal feed, may on desiring recommendation certificate, apply to the Department in the prescribed manner. The objective is to prevent outbreak of contagious disease in animals and to control the outbreak systematically when it occurs.
Authorization Requirement to Export Animal, Animal Product or Animal Feed (Horse) This measure (Chapter 5, Article 7) provides for a requirement to obtain a permit by the government agency of the exporting country to export products. A person exporting animal, animal product or animal feed, may on desiring recommendation certificate, apply to the Department in the prescribed manner. The objective is to prevent outbreak of contagious disease in animals and to control the outbreak systematically when it occurs.
Authorization Requirement to Export Animal, Animal Product or Animal Feed (Animal Semen) This measure (Chapter 5, Article 7) provides for a requirement to obtain a permit by the government agency of the exporting country to export products. A person exporting animal, animal product or animal feed, may on desiring recommendation certificate, apply to the Department in the prescribed manner. The objective is to prevent outbreak of contagious disease in animals and to control the outbreak systematically when it occurs.
Export Charges Levied on Animal, Animal Product or Animal Feed for Services Provided (Horse) This measure (Chapter 5, Article 9, a ) provides for the requirement to pay the charges for the services on the products. The applicant for the recommendation certificate shall pay the prescribed fees. The objective is to prevent outbreak of contagious disease in animals and to control the outbreak systematically when it occurs.