Ad-hoc Notifications

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Displaying 46 - 60 of 153 results
Title Category Created On
Insertion of a new regulation, regulation 38B related to trans fatty acids, into the Food Regulations 1985 picture_as_pdf 2024-05-03
Amendment to Table II, IV and V of the Fifth A Schedule, Food Regulations 1985 picture_as_pdf 2024-05-02
Amendment to the Sixteenth Schedule of the Food Regulations 1985 picture_as_pdf 2024-05-02
Amendments to the Twenty Fifth Schedule and the Twenty Sixth Schedule of the Food Regulations 1985 picture_as_pdf 2024-05-02
Promulgation of specifications for maximum pesticide residue content in food products and specifications for food additives General picture_as_pdf 2024-03-05
Promulgation of an order canceling the ban on dangerous substances temporarily banned from import in order to control dangerous substances used in drug production. picture_as_pdf 2023-09-22
Draft Food (Amendment No.2) Regulations 2023 and Sale of Food (Freshly Prepared Nutri-Grade Beverages-Exemption) Order 2023 picture_as_pdf 2023-08-25
Draft Notification of Ministry of Public Health regarding the notification of the fact relating to type 1 hazardous substances under the responsibility of the Food and Drug Administration B.E, ..; picture_as_pdf 2023-08-25
Draft Ministry of Public Health (MOPH) Notification, No..B.E…(…) issued by virtue of the Food Act B.E. 2522 entitled “Food supplement (No. 5)” Import/export picture_as_pdf 2023-08-25
Draft Ministry of Public Health (MOPH) Notification, No..B.E…(…) issued by virtue of the Food Act B.E. 2522 entitled “Food supplement (No.5)” picture_as_pdf 2023-08-25
Draft Ministerial Regulation on Heavy motor vehicle equipped with compression ignition engines: safety requirements; emission from engine, level 7 (TIS 3047-2563) picture_as_pdf 2023-08-25
Draft Ministerial Regulation on Heavy motor vehicle equipped with positive ignition engines: safety requirements; emission from engine, level 4 (TIS 3044-2563) picture_as_pdf 2023-08-25
Regulation on Light duty compression ignition engined vehicles: safety requirements; emission from engine, level 9 (TIS 3019-2563); picture_as_pdf 2023-08-25
Draft Ministerial Regulation on Light duty positive ignition engined vehicles: safety requirements; emission from engine, level 10 (TIS 3017-2563); picture_as_pdf 2023-08-25
Draft Notification of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunication Commission on Technical Standards of telecommunication equipment for base station and repeater in cellular land mobile service using Global System for Mobile Communications-Railway (GSM-R) Technology picture_as_pdf 2023-08-25