Legal Documents

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Displaying 166 - 180 of 405 results
Title Type Responsible Agency Issuing Agency EN MM
Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Law 28/2013 concerning the Prevention from Danger of Chemical and Associated Materials Law Law Minister's Office Ministry of Industry picture_as_pdf picture_as_pdf
Notification No.690/2020 concerning the list of endangered wild animals Notification Forest Department Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation picture_as_pdf picture_as_pdf
Notification No.46/2021 concerning the extended period for amendment of Import License Fees Notification Department of Trade Ministry of Commerce picture_as_pdf picture_as_pdf
Notification / News Letter No. 6/2021 concerning the designation of specified ports of customs for the importation of food and beverages Notification Department of Trade Ministry of Commerce picture_as_pdf picture_as_pdf
The Safeguard on Increased Imports Law Law Department of Trade Ministry of Commerce picture_as_pdf
The Union Taxation Law 2020 Law Internal Revenue Department Ministry of Planning and Finance picture_as_pdf picture_as_pdf
The Animal Health and Livestock Development Law ( Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Law No. 13/ 2020 ) Law Livestock Breeding and Veterinary Department Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation picture_as_pdf picture_as_pdf
Notification No.68/2020 concerning the amendment of Import Negative List Notification Department of Trade Ministry of Commerce picture_as_pdf picture_as_pdf
Notification No.4/2020 (Concerning the announcement of the prohibited list of chemicals) Notification Central Supervisory Board Ministry of Industry picture_as_pdf picture_as_pdf
Notification No.3/2020 (Concerning the announcement of the restricted list of chemicals) Notification Central Supervisory Board Ministry of Industry picture_as_pdf picture_as_pdf
Notification No.18/2020 concerning the announcement of the list of chemicals that are classified as the controlled Chemicals Notification Department of Food and Drug Administration Ministry of Health picture_as_pdf picture_as_pdf
Notification No.17/2020 concerning the announcement of the list of chemicals that are classified as the controlled Chemicals Notification Department of Food and Drug Administration Ministry of Health picture_as_pdf picture_as_pdf
Notification No.16/2020 (Concerning the announcement of the list of chemicals that are Psychotropic Substances) Notification Department of Food and Drug Administration Ministry of Health picture_as_pdf picture_as_pdf
Notification No.15/2020 concerning the announcement of the list of chemicals that are classified as the narcotic drugs Notification Department of Food and Drug Administration Ministry of Health picture_as_pdf picture_as_pdf
Notification No.1116/2020 concerning the declaration of species of wild flora that need to be protected from extinction. Notification Forest Department Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation picture_as_pdf picture_as_pdf