
Title Type
Department Administrative Order (DAO) 19-16 Series of 2019: The New Technical Regulations Concerning the Mandatory Product Certification of Steel-black and Hot-dipped Zine-coated (Galvanized) Longitudinally Welded Steel Pipes (For Ordinary Uses) Ad-hoc Notifications
Food and Administration Circular 2017-013: Guidelines on the Issuance of Clearance for Customs Release of Radiation Devices Ad-hoc Notifications
Administrative Order- The New Documentary Requirements for the Registration of Medical Device Products Ad-hoc Notifications
Repeal of FDA Circular (FC) No. 2014-022 entitled “Notification of Registered Imported Wines with New Vintage” and FC No.2016-007 entitled “Notification of Sources of Raw Materials, Low Risk, Medium Risk, and High Risk Prepackaged Processed Food Products” Ad-hoc Notifications
Repeal of FDA Circular (FC) No. 2014-022 entitled “Notification of Registered Imported Wines with New Vintage” and FC No.2016-007 entitled “ Notification of Sources of Raw Materials, Low Risk, Medium Risk, and High Risk Prepackaged Processed Food Products Ad-hoc Notifications
Guidelines on Regulatory Reliance on the Conduct of Clinical Trials in the Philippine Ad-hoc Notifications
Draft Administrative Order No……. Series of 2021 Updating of the Reference Standards in Used in the BPS Mandatory Product Certification Schemes Ad-hoc Notifications
Department Administrative Order (DAO)No. 22-01 Series of 2022:-The New Technical Regulations Concerning the Mandatory Product Certification of Energy Consuming Products Ad-hoc Notifications
Proposed Control of Chemicals Under Review by Multilateral Environmental Agreements Ad-hoc Notifications
Implementing Guidelines on the Collaborative Procedure for the Accelerated Registration of World Health Organization (WHO)- Prequalified Pharmaceutical Products and Vaccines Ad-hoc Notifications
Administrative Order No.: 2018 – 0002 Guidelines Governing the Issuance of an Authorization for a Medical Device based on the ASEAN Harmonized Technical Requirements Ad-hoc Notifications
Department of Agriculture Memorandum Order No.44 Series of 2022 Temporary Ban on Importation of FMD-Susceptible Animals, their Products and By-products Origination from Indonesia Ad-hoc Notifications
Banning of all Mercury-Containing Thermometers, Sphygmomanometers, Dental Amalgam Capsules and Liquid Mercury for Use in Dental Restorative Purposes Ad-hoc Notifications
Department of Trade and Industry - DTI Department Administrative Order (DAO) No. 22-06 Series of 2022-The New Technical Regulations Concerning the Mandatory Product Certification of Vaporized Nicotine and Non-nicotine Products Ad-hoc Notifications
Department of Trade and Industry- DTI Department Administrative Order (DAO) No. 22-03 Series of 2022-The New Technical Regulations Concerning the Mandatory Product Certification of Concrete Masonry Units Ad-hoc Notifications