Legal Documents

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Displaying 376 - 384 of 384 results
Title Type Responsible Agency Issuing Agency EN MM
The Law Amending The Myanmar Mines Law 2015 Law Department of Mines Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation picture_as_pdf
Notification No. 86/2016 (Liberalization the Import Negative List) Notification Department of Trade Ministry of Commerce picture_as_pdf
Myanmar Investment Rules 2017 Regulation Directorate of Investment and Company Administration Ministry of Planning and Finance picture_as_pdf
Commercial Tax Law 1990 Law Internal Revenue Department Ministry of Planning and Finance picture_as_pdf
Land Customs Act 1924 Law Customs Department Ministry of Planning and Finance picture_as_pdf
The Sea Customs Act Law Customs Department Ministry of Planning and Finance picture_as_pdf
The Law Amending the Sea Customs Act 2015 Law Customs Department Ministry of Planning and Finance picture_as_pdf
The Law Amending the Land Customs Act 2015 Law Customs Department Ministry of Planning and Finance picture_as_pdf
Amending the Commercial Tax Law 2015 Law Internal Revenue Department Ministry of Planning and Finance picture_as_pdf