Measures and Procedures

Measures and Procedures


A ‘measure’, also known as Non-Tariff Measure or NTM, is a specific requirement that applies to a commodity or to certain types of products. Typically a measure could relate to sanitary or phytosanitary regulations (SPS). In these and other cases, permits or licenses may need to be obtained from the relevant government agency prior to importing or exporting the goods.

A measure may also be a permanent prohibition to import or export certain products (for example, psychotropic drugs) or a temporary prohibition for health protection or other reasons or to enforce a quota.

You can find out what measures are currently in force in Myanmar by using the search facilities below. Where a measure applies to specific commodities, these will also be listed.

A measure is normally enforced through a legal instrument such as a law or a regulation. The relevant legal document is also shown against each measure below and you will be able to view the full legal text by clicking on the link.


A procedure is an established way of doing things, a series of steps followed in a prescribed order. A procedure is the steps necessary in order to comply with the requirements of a measure. For example, the steps necessary to obtain an Import Certificate from the Ministry of Livestock, Fisheries and Rural Development to import live fish constitute a “procedure”.

  • Agency Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Category General Page