Guide to Import - Registration of Business

The steps necessary for importing goods are outlined below:

Registration of Business

In order to import goods into Myanmar a business must first register as a company authorized to engage in international trade and then register as an importer. For details about the registrationof businesses, click here.

  1. In order to be able to import an importer must first register a company that is to engage in international trade with the Directorate of Investment and Company Administration, Ministry of National Planning and Economic Development (DICA). Registrations can be up to three years or five years. For more information about company registration, click here.
  2. An importer must also register with the Directorate of Trade Ministry of Commerce.Registrations can be up to three years, but the time must not exceed the company’s registration to engage in international trade. The fee for registration is K50,000.For more information about registration with the Directorate, click here.
  3. The importer must also join the Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry (UMFCCI). For information about joining the UMFCCI, click here.

Nationality Requirement

Generally only Myanmar businesses are allowed to engage in import transactions. For more details about this requirement, click here.

Normally only Myanmar nationals are allowed to engage in international trade.

However, imports of inputs by foreign manufacturing firms that have registered under the Foreign Investment Law and are also registered as an importer with the Directorate of Trade are excepted from the nationality requirement.

Customs Declaration and Required Accompanying Documents

In order to clear Customs imports must be accompanied by a customs declaration and required accompanying documents. For details about these requirements, click here.

  1. All incoming consignments of good must be cleared through Customs using an import declaration form. This is CUSDEC – 1. Click here for a copy of this form.
  2. Required accompanying documents include:
    1. An import license (when required)
    2. The invoice
    3. Bill of lading, air consignment note, or truck note
    4. Packing list
    5. Other certificates, permits or import recommendations, as required (for example, a country of origin or SPS or FDA certificate)
  3. The customs declaration and supporting documents must be submitted to Customsat the time that the goods arrive. (Customs has not yet adopted pre-arrival processing.).

  • Agency Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Category General Page