National Trade Repository

    National Trade Repository    

As a member state of ASEAN, Myanmar is committed to the development of a National Trade Repository (NTR) which will be integrated with the future ASEAN Trade Repository.

The categories of information that form part of the National Trade Repository are defined in Article 13 of the ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement

This website provides access to the National Trade Repository of Myanmar (NTR) and the required categories of information.  By clicking on the links you may go to the relevant page of information.

Tariff Nom​enclature

Click here to search the AHTN (ASEAN Harmonized Tariff Nomenclature) and view the MFN (Most Favoured Nation) and other tariffs applied to imports and exports in Lao PDR.

Click here to view tariff concessions applicable to Free Trade Agreements (FTA) of which ASEAN member states are a party.

Rules of Origin

Click here to read about preferences and here to view non-preferential and preferential Rules of Origin applied in Lao PDR.

Non-Tariff Measures

Click here to view a comprehensive list of non-tariff measures.  Non-tariff measures are special requirements applicable to specific classes of commodity such as the requirement to obtain a permit or license, inspection requirements, compulsory technical standards as well as prohibitions and restrictions.

National Trade and Customs Laws and Rules

Click here to view a comprehensive catalogues of laws and regulations related to trade.

Procedures and Documentary Requirements

Click here to view a list of procedures and documentary requirements applicable to various regulatory obligations a trader needs to comply with in order to import or export goods for the various regimes.

Administrative RulingsAdministrative rulings or advanced rulings may from time to time be published in the Announcements section of this website. Click here go to the Announcements section and search for ‘Administrative Rulings’.

Best Practices in Trade Facilitation

As part of its commitment to transparency of trade information the Ministry of Industry and Commerce of Myanmar will publish on this website comprehensive trade related information.  You can find this information by navigating the topic pages of this website or by clicking on the links below:

List of Authorized Traders

Currently Myanmar is in the process of implementing an Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) or authorized trader scheme.  Check back on this website for information on when this is expected to come into operation.

  • Agency Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Category General Page