Legal Documents

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Displaying 226 - 240 of 361 results
Title Type Responsible Agency Issuing Agency EN MM
Notification No. 93/2015(Myanmar Export-Import Procedures 2015) Notification Department of Trade Ministry of Commerce picture_as_pdf picture_as_pdf
Notification No. 9/99(Import Prohibition in the Border Trade) Notification Department of Trade Ministry of Commerce picture_as_pdf
The Law Amending the Income Tax 2014 Law Internal Revenue Department Ministry of Planning and Finance picture_as_pdf
The Law Amending the Income Tax 2011 Law Internal Revenue Department Ministry of Planning and Finance picture_as_pdf
Amending the Commercial Tax Law 2011 Law Internal Revenue Department Ministry of Planning and Finance picture_as_pdf
Myanmar National Investment Law 2013 Law Directorate of Investment and Company Administration Ministry of Planning and Finance picture_as_pdf picture_as_pdf
Foreign Investment Law 2012 Law Directorate of Investment and Company Administration Ministry of Planning and Finance picture_as_pdf
Development of SMEs Law 2015 Law Directorate of Industrial Supervision and Inspection Ministry of Industry picture_as_pdf
The Law Rejecting the Act for Purchase of Crops 2013 Law Department of Trade Ministry of Commerce picture_as_pdf
Union Taxation Law 2018 Law Internal Revenue Department Ministry of Planning and Finance picture_as_pdf picture_as_pdf
Union Taxation Law 2016 Law Internal Revenue Department Ministry of Planning and Finance picture_as_pdf picture_as_pdf
Union Taxation Law 2014 Law Internal Revenue Department Ministry of Planning and Finance picture_as_pdf picture_as_pdf
New Plant Variety Protection Law 2016 Law Department of Agriculture Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation picture_as_pdf picture_as_pdf
Notification No. 2/2011 (Amending the Import Prohibition List) Notification Department of Trade Ministry of Commerce picture_as_pdf
Notification No. 3/2011( Amending the Import Prohibition List) Notification Department of Trade Ministry of Commerce picture_as_pdf