Measures & Procedures

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Displaying 241 - 255 of 292 results
Title Type Code Description Legal Documents Agency Export/Import Comment
Inspection Requirement on Imported Pesticide B. TECHNICAL BARRIERS TO TRADE B84 This measure (Articl View Department of Agriculture Import Procedures Relating to the Pesticide Law is issued by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation. This measure is subject to change as the conditions in the country changed.
Authorization Requirement for Pesticide Importer B. TECHNICAL BARRIERS TO TRADE B19 This measure (Chapte View Department of Agriculture Import Procedures Relating to the Pesticide Law is issued by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation. This measure is subject to change as the conditions in the country changed.
Conformity Assessment Measures on Pesticides Export P. EXPORT RELATED MEASURES P189 This measure (Chapte View Department of Agriculture Export Pesticides Law 2016 is issued by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation. This measure is subject to change as the conditions in the country changed.
Additional Charges for Pesticide F. PRICE CONTROL MEASURES INCLUDING ADDITIONAL TAXES AND CHARGES F69 This measure (Chapte View Department of Agriculture Import Pesticides Law 2016 is issued by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation. This measure is subject to change as the conditions in the country changed.
Conformity Assessment Related to TBT on Pesticides B. TECHNICAL BARRIERS TO TRADE B89 This measure (Chapte View Department of Agriculture Import Pesticides Law 2016 is issued by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation. This measure is subject to change as the conditions in the country changed.
Authorization Requirement for Pesticides B. TECHNICAL BARRIERS TO TRADE B14 This measure (Chapte View Department of Agriculture Import Pesticides Law 2016 is issued by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation. This measure is subject to change as the conditions in the country changed.
Measures on Re-export of Plants and Plant Products P. EXPORT RELATED MEASURES P7 This measure (Chapte View Department of Agriculture Export Plant Pest Quarantine Law 1993 is issued by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation. This measure is subject to change as the conditions in the country changed.
Certification Required by the Exporting Country for the Plants and Plant Products P. EXPORT RELATED MEASURES P183 This measure (Chapte View Department of Agriculture Export Plant Pest Quarantine Law 1993 is issued by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation. This measure is subject to change as the conditions in the country changed.
Certification Requirement for Plants and Plant Products A. SANITARY AND PHYTOSANITARY MEASURES A83 This measure (Chapte View Department of Agriculture Import Plant Pest Quarantine Law 1993 is issued by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation. This measure is subject to change as the conditions in the country changed.
Inspection Requirement for Plants and Plant Products A. SANITARY AND PHYTOSANITARY MEASURES A84 This measure (Chapte View Department of Agriculture Import Plant Pest Quarantine Law 1993 is issued by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation. This measure is subject to change as the conditions in the country changed.
Authorization Requirement for SPS Reasons for Importing Plants and Plant Products A. SANITARY AND PHYTOSANITARY MEASURES A14 This measure (Chapte View Department of Agriculture Import Plant Pest Quarantine Law 1993 is issued by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation. This measure is subject to change as the conditions in the country changed.
Additional Charges for Plants and Plant Products F. PRICE CONTROL MEASURES INCLUDING ADDITIONAL TAXES AND CHARGES F69 This measure (Chapte View Department of Agriculture Import Plant Pest Quarantine Law 1993 is issued by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation. This measure is subject to change as the conditions in the country changed.
Import-monitoring, Surveillance and Automatic Licensing on Plants and Pant Products C. PRE-SHIPMENT INSPECTION AND OTHER FORMALITIES C4 This measure (Chapte View Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation Import Plant Pest Quarantine Law 1993 is issued by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation. This measure is subject to change as the conditions in the country changed.
Export Charges/Fees Levied in Connection to Services Provides on Plants or Plant Products P. EXPORT RELATED MEASURES P43 The measure (Chapter View Department of Agriculture Export Plant Pest Quarantine Law 1993 is issued by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation. This measure is subject to change as the conditions in the country changed.
Export Prohibition for Technical Reasons on Food P. EXPORT RELATED MEASURES P11 The measure (Chapter View Ministry of Health Export National Food Law 1997 is issued by the Ministry of Health and issued the Law Amending the National Food Law in 2013. This measure is subject to change as the conditions in the country change.