1209220000 - - Clover (Trifolium spp.) seeds

12 Chapter 12 : Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits; miscellaneous grains, seeds and fruit; industrial or medicinal plants; straw and fodder
1209 Seeds, fruit and spores, of a kind used for sowing.
- Seeds of forage plants:
120922 - - Clover (Trifolium spp.) seeds
12092200 - - Clover (Trifolium spp.) seeds
Local Code
1209220000 - - Clover (Trifolium spp.) seeds

Import Tariffs, Measures, Procedures and Forms

Country Group Activity Tariff Rate Valid From Valid To Valid From Description Valid From To
ATIGA Tariff 2017 Import 0 2017-10-01 2020-01-01
MCT Import 3 2017-10-01 2022-10-01

Tips for measures.
Name Type Description Legal Documents Agency Export/Import
Licensing Requirement to Import E. NON-AUTOMATIC LICENSING, QUOTAS, PROHIBITIONS AND QUANTITY CONTROL MEASURES OTHER THAN FOR SPS OR TBT REASONS This measure (Notification No. 22/2019) provides for the requirement to apply for the import license. A person who wants to import this commodity needs to apply for the import license at the Ministry of Commerce. The objective of this measure is to regulate trade in line with the applicable international trade rules and standards. View Department of Trade Import
Authorization Requirement for SPS Reasons for Seed Importing A. SANITARY AND PHYTOSANITARY MEASURES This measure (Chapter 4, Para 30) provides for product authorization from the relevant agency. Only the seed which has certificate issued by the National Seed Committee can only be imported by the seed importer. The objective is to assist the development of agricultural sector of the State by cultivating and producing crops using pure seed. View Department of Agriculture Import
Authorization Requirement for the Seed Importer for SPS Reasons A. SANITARY AND PHYTOSANITARY MEASURES This measure (Chapter 4, Para 31) provides the importer authorization requirement from the relevant agency. A person who has obtained the seed business license shall apply the import recommendation to the Technical Seed Committee. The objective is to assist the development of agricultural sector of the State by cultivating and producing crops using pure seed. View Department of Agriculture Import
Seed Quality Testing Requirement A. SANITARY AND PHYTOSANITARY MEASURES This measure (Chapter 4, Para 31, a) provides for a requirement for the product to be tested against a given regulation. A person who has obtained the business license and wants to import the seed shall apply the recommendation to the Technical Seed Committee by submitting the seed sample as the attachment. The objective is to assist the development of agricultural sector of the State by cultivating and producing crops using pure seed. View Department of Agriculture Import
Conformity Assessment related to SPS for Seed A. SANITARY AND PHYTOSANITARY MEASURES This measure (Chapter 4, Para 31, c) provides the requirement for verification that a given condition has been met. A person who has obtained the business license and wants to import the seed shall apply the recommendation to the Technical Seed Committee by submitting the quality and the characteristics of the seed as the attachment. The objective is to assist the development of agricultural sector of the State by cultivating and producing crops using pure seed. View Department of Agriculture Import
Seed Quality Approval Requirement A. SANITARY AND PHYTOSANITARY MEASURES This measure (Chapter 4, Para 31, b and d) provides for the requirement that the product shall be approved before it can be imported. A person who has obtained the business license and wants to import the seed shall apply the recommendation to the Technical Seed Committee by submitting the copy of the seed quality recommendation and the Phytosanitary certificate as the attachment. The objective is to assist the development of agricultural sector of the State by cultivating and producing crops using pure seed. View Department of Agriculture Import
Certification Requirement for Seed A. SANITARY AND PHYTOSANITARY MEASURES This measure (Chapter 4, Para 31, e) provides for a certification of conformity with a given regulation. A person who has obtained the business license and wants to import the seed shall apply the recommendation to the Technical Seed Committee by submitting the copy of certificate as the attachment. The objective is to assist the development of agricultural sector of the State by cultivating and producing crops using pure seed. View Department of Agriculture Import

Name Description Category
Exporter/Importer Registration Procedure Obtaining Exporter/Importer Registration from the Trade Policy Division under the Department of Trade, Ministry of Commerce Import/Export
Application of import license / permit via Tradenet 2.0 Application of import license / permit via Tradenet 2.0 under the Department of Trade, Ministry of Commerce Import
Procedure for Obtaining Import Recommendation (IR) Letter for Seed Obtaining Import Recommendation (ER) for Seed from the National Seed Committee under the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation Import
Quality Analysis Certificate for Seed Obtaining Quality Analysis Certificate for Seed from the National Seed Committee under the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation Import
Procedure for Obtaining Business License for seed Procedure for Obtaining Seed Business License from the National Seed Committee, Department of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation. Import/Export

Name Description Issued By
Import Licese Application at MOC Import Licese Application at MOC Department of Trade