Ad-hoc Notifications

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Displaying 46 - 60 of 141 results
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Regulation on Light duty compression ignition engined vehicles: safety requirements; emission from engine, level 9 (TIS 3019-2563); picture_as_pdf 2023-08-25
Draft Ministerial Regulation on Light duty positive ignition engined vehicles: safety requirements; emission from engine, level 10 (TIS 3017-2563); picture_as_pdf 2023-08-25
Draft Notification of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunication Commission on Technical Standards of telecommunication equipment for base station and repeater in cellular land mobile service using Global System for Mobile Communications-Railway (GSM-R) Technology picture_as_pdf 2023-08-25
Draft Notification of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunication Commission on Technical Standards of user equipment in cellular land mobile service using Global System for Mobile Communications-Railway (GSM-R) Technology picture_as_pdf 2023-08-24
Draft Notification of Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives Re: Specification of plants from certain sources as prohibited articles, of exceptions and conditions under the Plant Quarantine Act B.E. 2507 (No. ..) B.E. … (….). picture_as_pdf 2023-08-24
Draft Ministry of Public Health (MOPH) Notification, No..B.E…(…) issued by virtue of the Food Act B.E. 2522 entitled “Food products Required to bear Nutrition Labelling and Guideline Daily Amounts, GDA Labelling (No.2)” picture_as_pdf 2023-08-24
Draft Ministry of Public Health (MOPH) Notification, No..B.E…(…) issued by virtue of the Food Act B.E. 2522 entitled “Food products Required to bear Nutrition Labelling and Guideline Daily Amounts, GDA Labelling (No.2)” picture_as_pdf 2023-08-24
Thai Agricultural Standard entitled “Good Agricultural Practices for Pig Farms” picture_as_pdf 2023-08-24
Draft Ministerial Regulation on secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or other non-acid electrolytes – safety requirements for portable sealed secondary cells, and for batteries made from them, for use in portable applications – part 2: lithium systems picture_as_pdf 2023-08-24
Draft Ministerial Regulation on secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or other non-acid electrolytes-safety requirements for portable sealed secondary cells, and for batteries made from them, for use in portable applications-part1:lithium systems Import/export picture_as_pdf 2023-08-24
Draft Thai Agricultural Standard entitled “Code of Practice on Inspection and Receiving of Durians for Collecting house and Packing house” picture_as_pdf 2023-08-18
Draft Notification of the Committee on Labels, entitled Air purifiers are label-controlled products B.E. …; picture_as_pdf 2023-08-18
Draft Notification of Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives Re: Specification of plants from certain sources as prohibited articles, of exceptions and conditions under the Plant Quarantine Act B.E. 2507 (No. ..) B.E. … (….). SPS picture_as_pdf 2023-08-17
untries/ RegionVeterinary Conditions for the Importation of Dogs/ Cats for Countries/ Regions under Schedule I, II and III picture_as_pdf 2023-04-21
Guidelines on Regulatory Reliance on the Conduct of Clinical Trials picture_as_pdf 2023-04-21