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Displaying 31 - 45 of 141 results
Title Category Created On
Draft Regulation of Halal Product Assurance Organizing Agency Regarding Guideline for Accreditation And/or Conformity Assessment of Foreign Halal Certification Bodies picture_as_pdf 2024-12-11
Registration Procedure for Processed Food picture_as_pdf 2024-12-11
Amendment to Table I and Table II of the Fifteenth A Schedule of the Food Regulations 1985 Import/export picture_as_pdf 2024-05-07
Insertion of a new regulation, regulation 38B related to trans fatty acids, into the Food Regulations 1985 picture_as_pdf 2024-05-03
Amendment to Table II, IV and V of the Fifth A Schedule, Food Regulations 1985 picture_as_pdf 2024-05-02
Amendment to the Sixteenth Schedule of the Food Regulations 1985 picture_as_pdf 2024-05-02
Amendments to the Twenty Fifth Schedule and the Twenty Sixth Schedule of the Food Regulations 1985 picture_as_pdf 2024-05-02
Promulgation of specifications for maximum pesticide residue content in food products and specifications for food additives General picture_as_pdf 2024-03-05
Promulgation of an order canceling the ban on dangerous substances temporarily banned from import in order to control dangerous substances used in drug production. picture_as_pdf 2023-09-22
Draft Food (Amendment No.2) Regulations 2023 and Sale of Food (Freshly Prepared Nutri-Grade Beverages-Exemption) Order 2023 picture_as_pdf 2023-08-25
Draft Notification of Ministry of Public Health regarding the notification of the fact relating to type 1 hazardous substances under the responsibility of the Food and Drug Administration B.E, ..; picture_as_pdf 2023-08-25
Draft Ministry of Public Health (MOPH) Notification, No..B.E…(…) issued by virtue of the Food Act B.E. 2522 entitled “Food supplement (No. 5)” Import/export picture_as_pdf 2023-08-25
Draft Ministry of Public Health (MOPH) Notification, No..B.E…(…) issued by virtue of the Food Act B.E. 2522 entitled “Food supplement (No.5)” picture_as_pdf 2023-08-25
Draft Ministerial Regulation on Heavy motor vehicle equipped with compression ignition engines: safety requirements; emission from engine, level 7 (TIS 3047-2563) picture_as_pdf 2023-08-25
Draft Ministerial Regulation on Heavy motor vehicle equipped with positive ignition engines: safety requirements; emission from engine, level 4 (TIS 3044-2563) picture_as_pdf 2023-08-25