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Displaying 16 - 30 of 141 results
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Implementing guidelines of the Philippine Energy Labeling Program for Television Sets picture_as_pdf 2024-12-17
Implementing guidelines of the Philippine Energy Labeling Program for Air Conditioners picture_as_pdf 2024-12-17
Implementing guidelines of the Philippine Energy Labeling Program for Lighting Products picture_as_pdf 2024-12-17
Implementing guidelines of the Philippine Energy Labeling Program for Clothes Washing Machines picture_as_pdf 2024-12-17
Implementing guidelines of the Philippine Energy Labeling Program for display monitors picture_as_pdf 2024-12-17
Implementing guidelines of the Philippine energy labeling program for energy saving devices (ESD)/ Low voltage saving devices (LVSD) for Domestic application picture_as_pdf 2024-12-17
Revising the Minimum Energy Performance for Products (MEPP) Covered by The Philippine Energy Labeling Program (PELP) For Compliance of Importers, Manufacturers, Distributors, Dealers, and Retailers of Energy Consuming Products picture_as_pdf 2024-12-17
Food Safety and Security Bill (FSSB) - Defined Food and Pre-market Approval picture_as_pdf 2024-12-12
Amendment to the Application Form for Importation of Feed into Malaysia. picture_as_pdf 2024-12-12
Lifting of import suspension on equids, equine semen, oocytes and embryos from Malaysia picture_as_pdf 2024-12-12
Draft Food (Amendment) Regulations 2024 picture_as_pdf 2024-12-12
Consultation on Regulatory Framework for the Use of Genome Edited Crops for Food and Animal Feed picture_as_pdf 2024-12-12
Draft Decree of Minister of Industry on Mandatory Implementation of Technical Specification for Clothing picture_as_pdf 2024-12-11
Draft Decree of Halal Product Assurance Organizing Agency No.__ of 2023 Regarding the Determination of General Services Rates of BPJPH picture_as_pdf 2024-12-11
Draft Decree of The Minister of Religious Affairs Regarding Establishment of Harmonized System Codification of Types of Products that are Required to be Halal Certified in Food and Beverages picture_as_pdf 2024-12-11