90 Chapter 90 : Optical, photographic, cinematographic, measuring, checking, precision, medical or surgical instruments and apparatus; parts and accessories thereof
9030 Oscilloscopes, spectrum analysers and other instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking electrical quantities, excluding meters of heading 90.28; instruments and apparatus for measuring or detecting alpha, beta, gamma, X-ray, cosmic or other ionising radiations.
- Other instruments and apparatus:
903089 - - Other:
90308910 - - - Instruments and apparatus, without a recording device, for measuring or checking electrical quantities on printed circuit boards/printed wiring boards and printed circuit assemblies, other than those covered within subheading 9030.39
Local Code
9030891000 - - - Instruments and apparatus, without a recording device, for measuring or checking electrical quantities on printed circuit boards/printed wiring boards and printed circuit assemblies, other than those covered within subheading 9030.39