3105600000 - Mineral or chemical fertilisers containing the two fertilising elements phosphorus and potassium

31 Chapter 31 : Fertilisers
3105 Mineral or chemical fertilisers containing two or three of the fertilising elements nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium; other fertilisers; goods of this Chapter in tablets or similar forms or in packages of a gross weight not exceeding 10 kg.
310560 - Mineral or chemical fertilisers containing the two fertilising elements phosphorus and potassium
31056000 - Mineral or chemical fertilisers containing the two fertilising elements phosphorus and potassium
Local Code
3105600000 - Mineral or chemical fertilisers containing the two fertilising elements phosphorus and potassium

Import Tariffs, Measures, Procedures and Forms

Country Group Activity Tariff Rate Valid From Valid To Valid From Description Valid From To
ATIGA Tariff 2017 Import 0 2017-10-01 2020-01-01
MCT Import zero 2017-10-01 2022-10-01

Tips for measures.
Name Type Description Legal Documents Agency Export/Import
Licensing Requirement to Import E. NON-AUTOMATIC LICENSING, QUOTAS, PROHIBITIONS AND QUANTITY CONTROL MEASURES OTHER THAN FOR SPS OR TBT REASONS This measure (Notification No. 22/2019) provides for the requirement to apply for the import license. A person who wants to import this commodity needs to apply for the import license at the Ministry of Commerce. The objective of this measure is to regulate trade in line with the applicable international trade rules and standards. View Department of Trade Import
Authorization Requirement for Fertilizer Importers B. TECHNICAL BARRIERS TO TRADE This measure (Chapter 5, Article 7) provides for the authorization requirement for the importer of importing certain products. A person desirous of carrying out production, import of fertilizer for commercial purpose shall apply to the Fertilizer Committee in accordance with the stipulations in order to obtain the registration certificate. The objectives are to enable supporting the development of agricultural sector which is the basic economy of the State, to enable supervision and control the fertilizer business systematically, to enable growers to use fertilizer of quality in conformity with the specifications and to support the conservation of soil and environment by utilizing suitable fertilizer. View Department of Agriculture Import
Labelling Requirement on Fertilizer B. TECHNICAL BARRIERS TO TRADE This measure (Chapter 5, Article 9, c) provides for the labeling requirement for the product before importing. The registration certificate holder shall perform in accordance with the stipulations the quality assurance, label and specifications. The objectives are to enable supporting the development of agricultural sector which is the basic economy of the State, to enable supervision and control the fertilizer business systematically, to enable growers to use fertilizer of quality in conformity with the specifications and to support the conservation of soil and environment by utilizing suitable fertilizer. View Department of Agriculture Import
Product- quality, Safety Requirement for Fertilizer B. TECHNICAL BARRIERS TO TRADE This measure (Chapter 5, Article 9, c) provides for the quality and safety requirement of the final product. The registration certificate holder shall perform in accordance with the stipulations the quality assurance, label and specifications. The objectives are to enable supporting the development of agricultural sector which is the basic economy of the State, to enable supervision and control the fertilizer business systematically, to enable growers to use fertilizer of quality in conformity with the specifications and to support the conservation of soil and environment by utilizing suitable fertilizer. View Department of Agriculture Import
Inspection Requirement on Fertilizer B. TECHNICAL BARRIERS TO TRADE This measure (Chapter 5, Article 9, c) provides for the quality and safety requirement of the final product. The registration certificate holder shall perform in accordance with the stipulations the quality assurance, label and specifications. The objectives are to enable supporting the development of agricultural sector which is the basic economy of the State, to enable supervision and control the fertilizer business systematically, to enable growers to use fertilizer of quality in conformity with the specifications and to support the conservation of soil and environment by utilizing suitable fertilizer. View Department of Agriculture Import
Additional Charges for Fertilizer F. PRICE CONTROL MEASURES INCLUDING ADDITIONAL TAXES AND CHARGES This measure (Chapter 5, Article 12) provides for the additional charges levied on imported goods. The registration certificate holder shall subscribe the registration fees, renewal fees for registration certificate and laboratory analysis fees to the Myanmar Agriculture Service in the prescribed manner. The objectives are to enable supporting the development of agricultural sector which is the basic economy of the State, to enable supervision and control the fertilizer business systematically, to enable growers to use fertilizer of quality in conformity with the specifications and to support the conservation of soil and environment by utilizing suitable fertilizer. View Department of Agriculture Import
Authorization Requirement for Importing Fertilizer B. TECHNICAL BARRIERS TO TRADE This measure (Chapter 12, Article 44) provides for the authorization requirement for the importing product form the relevant agency. If application is made to issue permit or license to import or export fertilizer, the government department or organization authorized to issue such permit or license may issue the permit or license only to the person who submits the recommendation of the Myanma Agriculture Service attached to the application. The objectives are to enable supporting the development of agricultural sector which is the basic economy of the State, to enable supervision and control the fertilizer business systematically, to enable growers to use fertilizer of quality in conformity with the specifications and to support the conservation of soil and environment by utilizing suitable fertilizer. View Department of Agriculture Import
Testing Requirement on Importing Fertilizer B. TECHNICAL BARRIERS TO TRADE This measure (Article 28, a) provides for the requirement for products to be tested against a given regulation. In order to inspect the quality of the imported fertilizer, on arrival, the inspector shall be permitted to draw the specified quantity or weight of sample according to the specified sampling method free of charge. The objectives are to enable supporting the development of agricultural sector which is the basic economy of the State, to enable supervision and control the fertilizer business systematically, to enable growers to use fertilizer of quality in conformity with the specifications and to support the conservation of soil and environment by utilizing suitable fertilizer. View Department of Agriculture Import
TBT Regulations on Transport and Storage on Imported Fertilizer B. TECHNICAL BARRIERS TO TRADE This measure (Article 28, b) provides for the requirement on certain condition under which products should be stored and/or transported. As a fertilizer importer, the handing, transportation and storage of fertilizer shall be made according to the safety guidelines issued by the Fertilizer Committee. The objectives are to enable supporting the development of agricultural sector which is the basic economy of the State, to enable supervision and control the fertilizer business systematically, to enable growers to use fertilizer of quality in conformity with the specifications and to support the conservation of soil and environment by utilizing suitable fertilizer. View Department of Agriculture Import
Distribution of Fertilizer after Delivery B. TECHNICAL BARRIERS TO TRADE This measure (Article 28, c) provides for the requirement on the disclosure of information on the goods. As a fertilizer importer, fertilizer shall be distributed and only to licensed sellers and the sale vouchers shall be kept and sales register for different fertilizer shall also be maintained. The objectives are to enable supporting the development of agricultural sector which is the basic economy of the State, to enable supervision and control the fertilizer business systematically, to enable growers to use fertilizer of quality in conformity with the specifications and to support the conservation of soil and environment by utilizing suitable fertilizer. View Department of Agriculture Import

Name Description Category
Exporter/Importer Registration Procedure Obtaining Exporter/Importer Registration from the Trade Policy Division under the Department of Trade, Ministry of Commerce Import/Export
Application of import license / permit via Tradenet 2.0 Application of import license / permit via Tradenet 2.0 under the Department of Trade, Ministry of Commerce Import
Application for Recommendation Letter of Fertilizer Importation Myanmar Agricultural Inputs Registration System (MAIRS) (website- www.mairs.doa.gov.mm ) allow the submission of the application for Registrations, Licensing, Import/Export Endorsements of Seeds, Fertilizer and Pesticide under Department of Agriculture (DOA), Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation. The detail information concerned with fertilizer business registration is studied on web portal of Land Use Division via the website www.landusedivision.gov.mm . Firstly, the applicants need to crate account in MAIRS system and fill the detail company information and then they can apply the registration process. Import
Application for Registration Certicficate of Fertilizer Production Myanmar Agricultural Inputs Registration System (MAIRS) (website- www.mairs.doa.gov.mm ) allow the submission of the application for Registrations, Licensing, Import/Export Endorsements of Seeds, Fertilizer and Pesticide under Department of Agriculture (DOA), Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation. The detail information concerned with fertilizer business registration is studied on web portal of Land Use Division via the website www.landusedivision.gov.mm . Firstly, the applicants need to crate account in MAIRS system and fill the detail company information and then they can apply the registration process. Import/Export
Application for Fertilizer Distribution and Sale Business License Myanmar Agricultural Inputs Registration System (MAIRS) (website- www.mairs.doa.gov.mm ) allow the submission of the application for Registrations, Licensing, Import/Export Endorsements of Seeds, Fertilizer and Pesticide under Department of Agriculture (DOA), Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation. The detail information concerned with fertilizer business registration is studied on web portal of Land Use Division via the website www.landusedivision.gov.mm . Firstly, the applicants need to crate account in MAIRS system and fill the detail company information and then they can apply the registration process. Import/Export

Name Description Issued By
Import Licese Application at MOC Import Licese Application at MOC Department of Trade
Applying the Registration for Manufacture of Fertilizer (Form 1) Applying the Registration for Manufacture of Fertilizer (Form 1) Department of Agriculture
Applying the Registration for the Importer of Fertilizer (Form 3) Applying the Registration for the Importer of Fertilizer (Form 3) Department of Agriculture
Registration Certificate for Manufacture of Fertilizer (Form 4) Registration Certificate for Manufacture of Fertilizer (Form 4) Department of Agriculture
Registration Certificate for the Import of Fertilizer (Form 6) Registration Certificate for the Import of Fertilizer (Form 6) Department of Agriculture
Applying the Recommendation for Import of Fertilizer (Form 8) Applying the Recommendation for Import of Fertilizer (Form 8) Department of Agriculture
Recommendation for Import of Fertilizer (Form 10) Recommendation for Import of Fertilizer (Form 10) Department of Agriculture
Sampling Certificate for Quality Analysis of Fertilizer (Form 12) Sampling Certificate for Quality Analysis of Fertilizer (Form 12) Department of Agriculture
Application for Fertilizer Quality Analysis (Form 11) Application for Fertilizer Quality Analysis (Form 11) Department of Agriculture
Fertilizer Quality Analysis Certificate (Form 17) Fertilizer Quality Analysis Certificate (Form 17) Department of Agriculture
Application for Licence for Combination, Mixing, Repacking or Storing of Fertilizer (Form 13) Application for Licence for Combination, Mixing, Repacking or Storing of Fertilizer (Form 13) Department of Agriculture
License for Combination, Mixing, Repacking or Storing of Fertilizer (Form 14) License for Combination, Mixing, Repacking or Storing of Fertilizer (Form 14) Department of Agriculture
Application for Licence for Distribution and Sale of Fertilizer (Form 15) Application for Licence for Distribution and Sale of Fertilizer (Form 15) Department of Agriculture
Licence for Distribution and Sale of Fertilizer (Form 16) Licence for Distribution and Sale of Fertilizer (Form 16) Department of Agriculture
Applying the Registration for Manufacture of Fertilizer (Form 1) Applying the Registration for Manufacture of Fertilizer (Form 1) Department of Agriculture
Applying the Registration for the Importer of Fertilizer (Form 3) Applying the Registration for the Importer of Fertilizer (Form 3) Department of Agriculture
Registration Certificate for Manufacture of Fertilizer (Form 4) Registration Certificate for Manufacture of Fertilizer (Form 4) Department of Agriculture
Registration Certificate for the Import of Fertilizer (Form 6) Registration Certificate for the Import of Fertilizer (Form 6) Department of Agriculture
Applying the Recommendation for Import of Fertilizer (Form 8) Applying the Recommendation for Import of Fertilizer (Form 8) Department of Agriculture
Recommendation for Import of Fertilizer (Form 10) Recommendation for Import of Fertilizer (Form 10) Department of Agriculture
Sampling Certificate for Quality Analysis of Fertilizer (Form 12) Sampling Certificate for Quality Analysis of Fertilizer (Form 12) Department of Agriculture
Application for Fertilizer Quality Analysis (Form 11) Application for Fertilizer Quality Analysis (Form 11) Department of Agriculture
Fertilizer Quality Analysis Certificate (Form 17) Fertilizer Quality Analysis Certificate (Form 17) Department of Agriculture
Application for Licence for Combination, Mixing, Repacking or Storing of Fertilizer (Form 13) Application for Licence for Combination, Mixing, Repacking or Storing of Fertilizer (Form 13) Department of Agriculture
License for Combination, Mixing, Repacking or Storing of Fertilizer (Form 14) License for Combination, Mixing, Repacking or Storing of Fertilizer (Form 14) Department of Agriculture
Application for Licence for Distribution and Sale of Fertilizer (Form 15) Application for Licence for Distribution and Sale of Fertilizer (Form 15) Department of Agriculture
Licence for Distribution and Sale of Fertilizer (Form 16) Licence for Distribution and Sale of Fertilizer (Form 16) Department of Agriculture
Applying the Registration for the Exporter of Fertilizer (Form 2) Applying the Registration for the Exporter of Fertilizer (Form 2) Department of Agriculture
Registration Certificate for the Export of Fertilizer (Form 5) Registration Certificate for the Export of Fertilizer (Form 5) Department of Agriculture
Applying the Recommendation for Export of Fertilizer (Form 7) Applying the Recommendation for Export of Fertilizer (Form 7) Department of Agriculture
Recommendation for Export of Fertilizer (Form 9) Recommendation for Export of Fertilizer (Form 9) Department of Agriculture
Applying the Registration for Manufacture of Fertilizer (Form 1) Applying the Registration for Manufacture of Fertilizer (Form 1) Department of Agriculture
Applying the Registration for the Importer of Fertilizer (Form 3) Applying the Registration for the Importer of Fertilizer (Form 3) Department of Agriculture
Registration Certificate for Manufacture of Fertilizer (Form 4) Registration Certificate for Manufacture of Fertilizer (Form 4) Department of Agriculture
Registration Certificate for the Import of Fertilizer (Form 6) Registration Certificate for the Import of Fertilizer (Form 6) Department of Agriculture
Applying the Recommendation for Import of Fertilizer (Form 8) Applying the Recommendation for Import of Fertilizer (Form 8) Department of Agriculture
Recommendation for Import of Fertilizer (Form 10) Recommendation for Import of Fertilizer (Form 10) Department of Agriculture
Sampling Certificate for Quality Analysis of Fertilizer (Form 12) Sampling Certificate for Quality Analysis of Fertilizer (Form 12) Department of Agriculture
Application for Fertilizer Quality Analysis (Form 11) Application for Fertilizer Quality Analysis (Form 11) Department of Agriculture
Fertilizer Quality Analysis Certificate (Form 17) Fertilizer Quality Analysis Certificate (Form 17) Department of Agriculture
Application for Licence for Combination, Mixing, Repacking or Storing of Fertilizer (Form 13) Application for Licence for Combination, Mixing, Repacking or Storing of Fertilizer (Form 13) Department of Agriculture
License for Combination, Mixing, Repacking or Storing of Fertilizer (Form 14) License for Combination, Mixing, Repacking or Storing of Fertilizer (Form 14) Department of Agriculture
Application for Licence for Distribution and Sale of Fertilizer (Form 15) Application for Licence for Distribution and Sale of Fertilizer (Form 15) Department of Agriculture
Licence for Distribution and Sale of Fertilizer (Form 16) Licence for Distribution and Sale of Fertilizer (Form 16) Department of Agriculture
Applying the Registration for the Exporter of Fertilizer (Form 2) Applying the Registration for the Exporter of Fertilizer (Form 2) Department of Agriculture
Registration Certificate for the Export of Fertilizer (Form 5) Registration Certificate for the Export of Fertilizer (Form 5) Department of Agriculture
Applying the Recommendation for Export of Fertilizer (Form 7) Applying the Recommendation for Export of Fertilizer (Form 7) Department of Agriculture
Recommendation for Export of Fertilizer (Form 9) Recommendation for Export of Fertilizer (Form 9) Department of Agriculture