
Import Endorsement and Operating Business License Relating to the Ozone Depleting Substances

Last Updated: 2018-07-15 15:16:44

Obtaining import endorsement and operating business License relating to the ozone depleting substances from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation.

Environmental Conservation Department

Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation

The procedures on obtaining import endorsement and operating business license relating to the ozone depleting substances


Step (1)

Any person or organization who wants to import the ozone depleting substance or designed product for use of ozone depleting substance shall obtain and complete the application Form 1 and submit with supporting documents to the Ministry.

Step (2)

The Ministry may grant or refuse the application after scrutinizing the application in conformity with stipulations as stated in the Order on the Operating of Business Relating to Ozone Depleting Substances.

Step (3)

The import endorsement shall be issued to the applicant with the form (3) for import after receiving the approval from the Ministry.        

Step (4)

After receiving the import endorsement, the applicant shall continue to apply the export license at the Ministry of Commerce.

Step (5)

After importation of the substance, when goods arrived at the port, the relevant authority will inspect the goods before carrying into the country. With the successful result, the goods will be allowed to carry into the country.

Step (6)

Any person that stores, manufactures or sells the ozone depleting substances or designed product for use of ozone depleting substances or operate other business using ozone depleting substance including services and repairs of fire extinguishers and freezing, air conditioning or refrigerating equipment shall apply to the Department assigned by the Ministry with form (5) for application of registration for his business in accord with stipulations.        

Step (7)

When the Department assigned by the Ministry receives an application, it may, after scrutinizing it whether or not is in conformity with stipulations, grant or refuse the registration with the approval of the Ministry. The Department assigned by the Ministry shall

  1. issue, after imposing conditions concerned with the business if it is decided to register, a registration certificate of Form (6) to the applicant;
  2. compile a list of the registration certificate holders with relevant business;
  3. administer or monitor the registration certificate holders whether or not they are performing or comply with condition containing in the registration certificate.

Step (8)

The Ministry shall impose the quota to the registration certificate holders to issue the endorsement for the import of ozone depleting substance.

Step (9)

Any person who imports or exports the ozone depleting substance or the designed product for use of ozone depleting substance shall report annually on his business relating to actual import with the statistics to the Ministry not later than 31st January in every year.

Note: The ozone depleting substance business license holder shall:

  1. comply with the guideline of the inspection from the Ministry or the Department or the Organization assigned by the Ministry relating to such business;
  2. compile the statistics of annual information relating to his business and be inspected by the relevant authority;
  3. stamp the registration number issued for his business on the container if he conducts the export or a manufacture of designed product for use of ozone depleting substance;
  4. comply with the conditions containing in the registration certificate issued under the Ministry;
  5. comply with the order and directive issued by the Ministry.

