
Pesticide Registration Certificate Procedures

Last Updated: 2018-09-11 09:52:48

Obtaining Pesticide Registration Certificate from the Department of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation

Plant Protection Division, Department of Agriculture,

Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation

Procedure for Obtaining Pesticide Registration Certificate


Any companies (foreign or local companies) desirous to import formulated pesticide and active ingredients to control the agricultural pests or for domestic use shall apply the pesticide registration to the Pesticide Registration Board. An application in the prescribed form shall be submitted the registration as the requirements are as follow.

Step 1

Fill in the application form payable with the respective fees. The supporting documents are as follow.

  1. Completed Application form
  2. Letter of consent from the manufacturer
  3. Technical Residue data including label, toxicology, environmental fate, use pattern, efficacy data and proposed label
  4. Technical supporting documents
  5. Proposal label with English and Myanmar translation will be submitted to PRB secretary office and
  6. Formulated product in sufficient amount for carrying out supervised trials and quality control of the product
  7. 25gms of technical active ingredient or ingredients will also be submitted to the Pesticide Analytical Laboratory.


Step 2

The joint-secretary of Pesticide Registration Board office will check the completed application form and technical dossiers and will contribute to the respective technical members. For incorrect application, the Board office will inform the applicants for correction and resubmission.


Step 3

The pesticide laboratory analyzes and tests the pesticides or any active ingredient received as samples in order to conformity with the content of ingredient as claimed on the label. The companies have to pay the laboratory fees of 300,000 Kyats. The technical committee under the Plant Protection Division evaluate the technical documents.


Step 4

With the pesticide analytical results and the review on the technical documents, the external technical meeting shall be conducted and evaluated the result of the pesticide. According to the results of the evaluation, the results of pesticide are submitted to the Pesticide Registration Board.


Step 5

The Pesticide Registration Board make decision with respect to the application for the following type of registration.

  1. Experimental registration
  2. Provisional registration
  3. Full registration


Step 6

The joint-secretary of the PRB issues the letter to the companies to deposit the respective registration fees as follow;

  1. Experimental registration – 1,000,000 Kyats
  2. Provisional registration – 2,000,000 Kyats
  3. Full registration – 5,000,000 Kyats


Step 7

After the payment advice, the joint-secretary of the Pesticide Registration Board issues the registration certificate. Based on the pesticide registration certificate, the companies shall apply the import endorsement at the Plant Protection Division. The overall process will take 5 working days and the process ends here.
