
Import Recommendation for Cattle and Buffalo

Last Updated: 2018-09-14 16:24:25

Procedures for obtaining Import Recommendation for importation of Cattle and Buffalo from the Livestock Breeding and Veterinary Department under the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation.

Livestock Breeding and Veterinary Department

Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation

Procedure for the Importation of Cattle and Buffalo into Myanmar

Step (1)

A person importing live animals of Cattles and Buffalos shall apply a recommendation certificate and Veterinary Health Certificate to the Livestock Breeding and Veterinary Department (LBVD) along with the following supporting documents.

  1. Application letter with Company letterhead signed by the company’s director
  2. Copy of Veterinary Health Certificate issued by the Veterinary authority of exporting country
  3. Farm registration certificate (if applicable)
  4. Performa Invoice
  5. Sale Contract
  6. Recommendation from the Myanmar Livestock Federation
  7. Copy of company registration issued by Directorate of Investment and Company Administration
  8. Form VI
  9. Form XXVI
  10. Certificate containing a full description or identification of the animals


Step (2)

LBVD shall check and review on the completeness of the application and register the documents. For the incomplete and incorrect application, LBVD informs the importer with reason. The importer corrects, completes and resubmit the documents. If application is rejected, the process ends here. For the complete and correct application, the LBVD shall issue the import recommendation certificate. After receiving the import recommendation certificate from the LBVD, the importer shall continue to apply the import license at the Ministry of Commerce.

Step (3)

Upon the arrival to designated port or border gate animal quarantine stations of Myanmar, the importer shall submit the Import Declaration and related documents to the Customs Department and the LBVD for laboratory test through Myanmar Automated Cargo Clearance System (MACCS). LBVD shall check the live animals of Cattles and Buffalos must be originated from Foot and Mouth Disease free countries by testing at the disease diagnosis laboratory. Otherwise the animals must be vaccinated with trivalent FMD vaccine (O1, A22, and Asia 1) at the Quarantine Station where they have been confined and observed by the Veterinary Officer for (21) days. The animals must be vaccinated against Babesiosis and Anaplasmosis, if the disease known to occur at the country of origin.

Step (4)

If the lab test is proved the negative result from the contagious diseases, LBVD shall issue the Veterinary Health Certificate (VHC) to the importer. The LBVD shall, with the approval of the Ministry establish Inspection Stations in required regions for inspection of imported live animals. The importer shall pay the quarantine fee, laboratory testing fee and Health Certificate fee (10,000 Kyats per head) as determined by the LBVD. The individual animal must be tested with a negative result. The test of the diseases that listed by the LBVD, must be carried out during 30 (thirty) days prior to export in its own exporting country.



The overall process will take from 7 to 10 days.

  1. The animal came from farm area that has been certified to be free from Anthrax, Rinderpest, Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy and Contagious Bovine Pleuropneumonia shall be tested for the past 12 months prior to and till the date of export.
  2. The individual animal must be tested with negative result and the test of the following diseases must be carried out during 30 (thirty) days prior to export.
  1. Tuberculosis by the intradermal tuberculim test.
  2. Brucellosis by serum agglutination test or by the complement fixation test using Brucella abortus antingen.
  3. Bluetongue and Enzootie Bovine Leukossi by the agar-gel immunodiffusion test.
  4. Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis, Infectious Pastular Vulvovaginitis by the serum neutralization test.
  5. Johne’s Disease by the complement fixation test or direct facial smear method.
  6. Complement fixation test for Contagious Bovine Pleuropneumonia.


  1. Upon arrival in Myanmar, a quarantine period of not less than 10 clear days or more as deemed necessary shall be followed at the approved quarantine station for the first day being counted after the last animal has been admitted.
  2. All animal consignment cab be admitted 3 days after the last animal has been released from the quarantine station and the litter cleaned and disinfected.
  3. The animals from the quarantine station shall be moved in sealed lorries/trucks to the approved farms under veterinary supervision.




