
Procedure for applying Pesticides Import Endorsement

Last Updated: 2018-07-04 15:01:25

Procedure for applying Pesticides Import Endorsement from the Department of Agriculture under Ministry of Livestock and Irrigation

Plant Protection Division, Department of Agriculture,
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation
Procedure for applying Pesticides Import Endorsement 

Step 1

The applicant who submits the application form for importation of pesticides shall attach the followings:

(1) Copy of Certified Pesticides Applicator Training certificate
(2) Label in Myanmar Language
(3) Proforma Invoice
(4) Copy  of Pesticides registration certificate
(5) Copy of licence for repackaging and sale of Pesticides for     importation of esticides to    be repacked in local
(6) Letter of authorization from manufacturer to Supplier, Importer  and distributor
(7) Copy of retail and wholesale license
(8) The original payment receipt of analytical fee
(9) Copy of License for manufacture / Formulation sale of pesticides for importation of technical   grade pesticides
(10)Power of attorney and copy of NRC if applying on behalf of importer
(11)Copy of company registration of the import company
(12)Copy of Exporter and Importer Registration from the Department of Trade
(13)Package sample of firmly attached pamphlet or clearly visible label if the package is smaller than 100 CC/ gram

Remark-The Importing Pesticides must  have Provision or Full Registration CertificateApproved from Pesticides Registration Board.

Step 2

1.    The Plant Protection Division, Department of Agriculture scrutinizes the documents and attached files submitted by the applicant.
2.    Pesticide Analytical Fees to the Myanmar Economic Bank Account No.MD013156 (or)Myanmar Economic Bank No (3) branch Bank Account No. MD010204. The original payment receipt of analytical fee to the Myanmar Economic Bank shall submit to Plant Protection Division.
3.    The applicant submits the original receipt to the Plant Protection Division.
4.    The approval for pesticide importation is issued via Myanmar Tradenet 2.0   
          Online system of the Department of Trade .

 For the above process up to Step 2, with complete and correct documents, the   overall process will take 3-4 working days.
