
Application for Fertilizer Distribution and Sale Business License

Last Updated: 2023-03-30 09:43:44

Myanmar Agricultural Inputs Registration System (MAIRS) (website- ) allow the submission of the application for Registrations, Licensing, Import/Export Endorsements of Seeds, Fertilizer and Pesticide under Department of Agriculture (DOA), Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation. The detail information concerned with fertilizer business registration is studied on web portal of Land Use Division via the website . Firstly, the applicants need to crate account in MAIRS system and fill the detail company information and then they can apply the registration process.

Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation

 Department of Agriculture

Procedure for Fertilizer Distribution and Sale Business License


License / Permit Issued Department 

Department of Agriculture


According to the Fertilizer Law, It is to enable supervision and control the fertilizer business systematically.

Necessary Documents

(1)Application Form for Fertilizer Distribution and Sale Business License (Form 15)

    (2)  Copy of Fertilizer Registration Certificate


  1. The applicant shall submit documents needed for fertilizer distribution and sale business license application.
  2. When all submitted documents are complete and confirmed, Director from State/Regional Office of Department of Agriculture (DOA) issues Fertilizer Distribution and Sale Business License (Form 16).


License Fee Rates

  1. Fertilizer Distribution and Sale Business License (For the first time of application from a shop)

50,000 MMK per 2 years

Rates on License Extension

50,000 MMK per 2 years

  1. Fertilizer Distribution and Sale Business License (For the second time of application from a shop without license extension)

80,000 MMK per 2 years


Within One Working Day


  • The detailed facts can be asked for at Land Use Division, Department of Agriculture.
  • Director from State/Region Office of Department of Agriculture issues the license.
  • The applicants who distribute and sell 5 tons of fertilizer (200 liters and above of fertilizer liquidand 400 kg and above of fertilizer powder) have to apply for the license.

Place for Submission

Respective State/Region Office of Department of Agriculture

The Signing Status

Head of State/Region Office of Department of Agriculture

Name of Law/ Regulation and Section /Paragraph

The Fertilizer Law and The Law Amending the Fertilizer Law,

Section 14


